Monday, November 06, 2006

Christmas and other things to think about.

Just a little reminder that the Holidays are coming up pretty quickly. One of the radio stations has already started playing Christmas music 24/7. Our Holiday Sale has started, we have new art kits for kids, really nice writing pens, art kits for adults too.

If you wanted you could even buy an origional peice of art work. Not only do we have prints available in the store through our frame shop, but did you know our Artist of the Month's work is also for sale? This month we are proud to present Mara Millich, and her photography. Come check it out, and remember you can purchase these.

Next item up for business...
I hope everyone is voting tomorrow. Just another reminder. If you don't like the way things are then vote for someone who will change it. If you do like things the way they are, vote for someone who will keep them that way.

For those of you who don't already have an account, or who had one and deleted it, get one. You will be able to get all of our updates for store events, as well as others around the community. We have a calander of openings, demonstrations, poetry readings and all that good stuff too. We will also be posting coupons! So if you know you really need to get something, we will be posting coupons that could save you a boat load. Our MySpace page is, keep this info handy.

We want to thank everyone who participated in the Utrecht October Painting Competition, as you saw there were a lot of talented people who gave us some great paintings. It's going to be difficult to decide on a winner. But when we do, the lucky person will recieve a gift card of $100.00
We will be doing this again, probably in the spring or something like that.


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